Aptos (APT)

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Aptos is a blockchain sometimes referred to as the “Solana killer” and is designed with the goal of maximum reliability and scalability, as well as being upgradeable without hard forks. Supports flexible key management and mixed storage options. The modular and pipelined approach serves to minimize transaction latency. Mainnet (main network) launched in October 2022, and an airdrop was also carried out.

APT is a native token of the Aptos network that performs the standard functions of transferring transactions, paying fees, participating in decentralized governance, and supporting the network through staking. The editors of Profinvestment.com have prepared an overview of the project, its features, and its benefits.

The presented Aptos blockchain has the following features:

  • A data model that includes hybrid storage options and flexible key control.
  • Proprietary Move language and smart contract verifier that focuses on the security and protection of software from malicious objects.
  • No restrictions for atomic transactions. Other chains usually require developers to have prior knowledge of read and write data, but here the latency is significantly reduced due to effective support for atomicity.
  • Processing of transactions and using a modular and pipelined approach that efficiently uses all available physical resources, guaranteeing high speed of parallel execution. The modular architecture also gives clients the flexibility to update instantly at any frequency.
  • Block-STM is a new mechanism for the parallel execution of smart contracts based on the principles of software transactional memory and optimistic concurrency control. Aimed at even faster transaction processing.
  • AptosBFT consensus mechanism. It only takes 2 network round trips (less than 300 milliseconds round trip time) and dynamic adjustment for bad validators through the leader reputation mechanism to reach a consensus.
Read more:  ChainLink (LINK)

In Aptos, like other PoS systems, the community must reach a consensus on each transaction in order to authenticate them and form blocks on the blockchain. For validators, this is a way to earn money: you need to “stake”, that is, block APT tokens in your wallet in order to receive passive income from them.
